In the early 1990’s…

Creighton Arita approached his dad with an idea. He had a vision to create a physician information network to leverage claims and clinical data to improve the quality of patient care.

“I advised him that this endeavor would be a large step down from his current high-paying position,” recalls Dan Arita, founder and then-president of DataHouse, Hawaii’s largest IT consultancy. “But he was adamant in his search for humanitarian value over financial rewards.”

After successfully launching the proprietary ConnxtMD software suite in 1998, TeamPraxis partnered with Allscripts in 2005 to deliver Touchworks EHR throughout Hawaii and in over 35 states across America

Technology & The Greater Good

The healthcare industry was in desperate need of computerization, with multiple areas to automate. Clyde Shiigi of DataHouse recalls: “Having years of success helping our clients improve their business with technology, we were confident we could launch our own company with the applied technological expertise needed as a differentiator.”

“It’s amazing that our vision for TeamPraxis over twenty-five years ago was so spot on, given the dynamics of the healthcare industry today.”

Creighton Arita

Founder & CEO, TeamPraxis

Praxis, as it was then called, was established in 1992 under the umbrella of DataHouse, and later emerged to stand on its own two feet as TeamPraxis. But it wasn’t without its hardships. “We were right on target with our vision,” Creighton explains, “but the timing was a bit early. We struggled through so many challenges—it took us nearly five years to really get off the ground!”

“We built TeamPraxis from the ground up based on a centralized, hosted model, referred to today as a cloud,” Clyde recalls. “This transformed the standard practice of having unsecured PC’s littering a physician’s office.” Using workflow and analytics technologies, TeamPraxis offered an innovative service to help physicians file claims and bill patients, allowing doctors to focus on what they do best: taking care of patients.

“When I joined TeamPraxis in 1992, it was a small start up company with a big vision.”

Marvis Shigeta-Rosa

Chief Revenue Cycle Officer & VP, Customer Relations, TeamPraxis

“Working with TeamPraxis for over two decades has been an extraordinary experience, working alongside Creighton, Dan, and the many other highly talented and gifted people in this company. Although there were many challenges in the beginning, the Arita father-and-son duo were keen visionaries and I quickly learned to trust their integrity, judgment, confidence, and passion.

Together, they fostered a culture of inspiration, creative mindsets, and enthusiastic teamwork. They pushed us to a higher standard than we set for ourselves, and they passionately believed in the possibilities of the future, encouraging us to follow our dreams and walk down unconquered paths, reminding us that we can do what we love and love what we do.

Words are among our greatest tools, and our words are a window into our vision, values, and abilities.  I am eternally grateful for the words that Dan and Creighton have shared with me over the years, and for the incredible opportunities they provided—believing and trusting in me when I had very little belief and trust in myself.”

– Marvis Shigeta-Rosa


1992 Founded

Founded in 1992 to create a physician information network and deliver best in class RCM services


1995 Top Payment Benchmark

Established a benchmark in 1995 for payment collection ratios that top industry averages year after year since


1998 Software Launch

Launched Practice Management software suite in 1998


2005 Local Growth

Since 2005, supported service offerings to recommend and implement EHR systems for physicians throughout Hawaii


2008 CQS Launch

Launched CQS (Clinical Quality Solution) nationwide in 2008 to automate clinical reporting for CMS funding initiatives


2011 Meaningful Use Certification

Achieved Meaningful Use certification in 2011 and guided Hawaii physicians to successful attestation


2012 Launch Population Health

Launched Population Health program in 2012 to facilitate emerging PCMH and ACO initiative


2014 Sagely Launch

Launched Sagely nationwide in 2014 to deliver the best calendar and activity management for senior living communities

2024 Harris acquires TeamPraxis revenue cycle management business

Harris brings years of experience in service and technology in revenue cycle management expanding physician specialties, hospital, and hospital system services. Read more about the acquisition here

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Better Than Any Other RCM Service Available